Friday, February 26, 2016

Ruger Arrives!

Ruger is one of the best things to ever happen to us. He is so gentle and of course, a mama's boy! I remember the day my husband brought him home like it was yesterday. Patrick had been very excited because he had finally found us the perfect puppy from a great family. My husband and a friend drove the long trip to go get our new addition to the family. When they arrived home later that night, Patrick got out of the truck and let Ruger out. Our friend had brought home a puppy too, Ruger’s brother Cooper. Cooper was a wild one, but Ruger was so docile. Of course, I immediately fell in love with him. He was a little scared, being away from his fur mama, but connected with my voice right away, making him feel safe. And I was in love. From that moment on we did everything together!

Because we knew that someday we wanted to breed, we did go ahead and have all Ruger’s testing done. This included his hips, elbows, and eyes. Everything checked out great!

We were very fortunate to have had Romeo, our Black Mouth Cur, to help teach him things and be a great influence on Ruger. Unfortunately, Romeo was very sick and we couldn’t let him suffer anymore and laid him to rest when Ruger was three. Ruger was devastated and so were we. Not easy to lose someone you love.

After the sting of losing Romeo passed and we were able to talk discuss it, we decided to get another golden to lead us in the direction of having puppies of our own...

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